UNF Software Development Camp Apps

Speed Multiplayer - SDC 2011 1.0
This app has been developed by participants atthe 2011 Software Development Camp, arranged by UNF (Danish YouthAssociation of Science) see more at http://software.unf.dk.All teaching and development occurred over the time span of fourdays, with most participants having little to no previousprogramming experience.About this app:Speed is a 2-player card game that has been played for centuries.We made this app, because we love the cardgame, and want to play itall the time :) Now, you are able to play it with your friendstoo.Rules: Each player has 5 stacks. Stack 1 contain 1 card, stack 2contains 2 cards and so on. The players can move cards from hisdecks to the deck in the middle of the screen. You can only movecards if you have a card that is one higher, or one lower than thecard in the middle. If no player can lay a card in the middledecks, press one of the gray buttons, and new cards from theremaining cards in the deck will appear. The winner of the twoplayers is the person who gets rid of all his cards first!Instead of using pictures of cards, we have chosen to usenumbers.It is possible to lay number 1 on card 13 and 13 on card 1.Speed Multiplayer is an ad-free game that you can enjoy with yourfriends. The card game is also known as Slam or Spit.
SPAC3 - Quantum Logic! 1.0
This app has been developed by participants atthe 2013 Software Development Camp, arranged by UNF (Danish YouthAssociation of Science) see more at http://software.unf.dk.All teaching and development occurred over the time span of sixdays, with most participants having little to no previousprogramming experience.About this app:SPAC3 is a topdown scroller similar in style to classic oldgames like Raptor, Space Invaders and Guardian Legend. You'll befighting a horde of enemies using a selection of 3 weapons eachcomplete with 5 levels. The game features an infinite mode, anexample level and an example boss.
Lazy Chemist 1.0
This app has been developed by participants atthe 2014 Software Development Camp, arranged by UNF (Danish YouthAssociation of Science) see more at http://software.unf.dk.All teaching and development occurred over the time span of sixdays, with most participants having little to no previousprogramming experience.Lazy Chemist is a professional chemistry tool for educationalpurposes. Lazy Chemist uses an easy to access molarity calculatorallowing everyone to quickly solve otherwise tedious tasks. Justtype NaCl and the app will give you the molar mass.Feature list:- Molarity and Molar calculator- Electronegativity calculator- Complete atom searcher- Atom Symbol input support- Prefix supportThe app was created in 3 day meaning that there may be bugs.
WakeUp Challenge - SDC 2011 1.0
This app has been developed by participants atthe 2011 Software Development Camp, arranged by UNF (Danish YouthAssociation of Science) see more at http://software.unf.dk.All teaching and development occurred over the time span of fourdays, with most participants having little to no previousprogramming experience.About this app:WakeUp Challenge is an alarm application, that ensures you will getup in the morning.When the alarm goes off, you will get a random mathematicalchallenge and the alarm won't stop before you complete thechallenge.If you want to be sure to wake up for your important meeting,school or something else, then download WakeUp Challenge!Tags: alarm, challenge, random, mathApp Icon by Double-J Design, http://www.doublejdesign.co.uk
Virtual Pet Potato Steffen 1.0
This app has been developed by participantsatthe 2014 Software Development Camp, arranged by UNF (DanishYouthAssociation of Science) see more at http://software.unf.dk.All teaching and development occurred over the time span ofsixdays, with most participants having little to nopreviousprogramming experience.Take care of your very own pet potato Steffen! This app putsyouin charge of another living being and that comes withgreatresponsibility. This being is called Steffen. Steffen is ahappypotato. He likes to relax and drink coffee amongst otheractivitiesbut without the help of someone like yourself, he wouldsurely diewithin a day. Therefore, you must be prepared to care forhim, asif he were your very own real life potato. However, potatoesarefragile things and as such are liable to different kindsof"accidents". You must learn to find the perfect balance tomaintaina happy potato Steffen, and thereby forming a neverendingmagicalfriendship.Included in this app is:One friendly and emotionally unstable potato Steffen!7 exciteing activities, such as feeding him and sleeping.Changing backgrounds!Top notch visual feedback communicated through highresolutionfacial animations!Emu feet!and most importantly: COFFEE!And much much more!Do the right thing and care for a virtual pet potato Steffenbydownloading this app!
Car Cards 1.0
This app has been developed by participantsatthe 2012 Software Development Camp, arranged by UNF (DanishYouthAssociation of Science) see more at http://software.unf.dk.All teaching and development occurred over the time span ofsixdays, with most participants having little to nopreviousprogramming experience.About this app:This app takes the classical game of car cards and puts it onyourphone, now you can play it everywhere you want.
Pink Monsters - SDC 2011 1.0
This app has been developed by participantsatthe 2011 Software Development Camp, arranged by UNF (DanishYouthAssociation of Science) see more at http://software.unf.dk.All teaching and development occurred over the time span offourdays, with most participants having little to nopreviousprogramming experience.About this app:Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Pink Monsters. The bestcardgame known to mankind. You can battle yourself, or an opponent,andeven change cards, choose two different kind of attacks andsomehowmake the app crash. Try it out for yourself. It is prettydarn"wild".
FaceGroups 1.0
This app has been developed by participantsatthe 2012 Software Development Camp, arranged by UNF (DanishYouthAssociation of Science) see more at http://software.unf.dk.All teaching and development occurred over the time span ofsixdays, with most participants having little to nopreviousprogramming experience.About this app:Do you find it difficult to get an overview of a group ofpeople?Would you like to create completely random groups? ThendownloadFaceGroups! With this app you take a picture of the groupyou wantto group up, when the picture is taken the app willrecognize thepeople on the picture. Afterwards you decide how manygroups youwant to create and how many people there should be. Letthe appwork for you and create the groups randomly. No morefiguring outhow to group people in new ways every time. :)
Puzzlr 1.0.1
This app has been developed by participantsatthe 2014 Software Development Camp, arranged by UNF (DanishYouthAssociation of Science) see more at http://software.unf.dk.All teaching and development occurred over the time span ofsixdays, with most participants having little to nopreviousprogramming experience.Puzzlr is a puzzle game that tests your creativity andpuzzlingskills. See if you can figure out how to beat all thedifferentpuzzles.This app has been developed in three days, after only two daysofprogramming lessons. The development team had very little ornoexperience with programming beforehand, so the result isverysatisfying, considering the small amount of time.
Quiz Dysten 1.0
This app has been developed by participantsatthe 2013 Software Development Camp, arranged by UNF (DanishYouthAssociation of Science) see more at http://software.unf.dk.All teaching and development occurred over the time span ofsixdays, with most participants having little to nopreviousprogramming experience.About this app:Tak fordi du snart downloader vores APP. Vi håber, du synesgodtom den.”Quiz Dysten” er Quizverdenens nye svar på Subway Surf. QuizDystener nemt at spille, men svært at mestre. Quizzen er fyldt medover100 hjernevridende spørgsmål, som kan nydes i fællesskab medandre.Hvem kan slå din highscore, kloge Åge? - din mor, far, hundellerbedste ven?”Quiz Dysten” er udviklet af 4 unge mænd på SoftwareDevelopmentCamp 2013.Hilsen teametUdviklere:Mike BellikaMichael NguyenJacob QvistNiklas MisselSHOUTOUT: vi er super taknemmelige for at UNF – SDC har givetoschancen for lave denne APP."How to:Velkommen til Quiz Dysten. Her har du en lille gennemgang afdeforskellige spiltyper.Først skal du starte med at trykke start, hvor du vil se tremenuer:Marathon, sprint og multiplayer.Du skal trykke på en af de tre menuer for at spille dem.Marathon: I spiltypen marathon, vil der være over 100spørgsmål,der kan besvares. Det gælder om at svare korrekt på såmangespørgsmål som muligt, for at slå sin highscore.Sprint: I denne spiltype er formålet at svare korrekt på såmangespørgsmål, som du kan indenfor et minut. Hvis du svarerforkert, vildu få et minus point. Hvis du har minus score, vil duikke komme påhighscore-listen.Multiplayer: Du starter med at starte serveren fra denenetelefon og navngiver den. Derefter skal din modstander fradenanden telefon starte clienten og taste samme navn, som dukaldteserveren. Når telefonerne er koblet sammen, kan I startespillet,og her gælder det om at svare hurtigst og få flere pointend dinmostander.This app er developedbydeltakere at the 2013 Software Development Camp, arranged byUNF(Danish Youth Association of Science) see more at http://software.unf.dk.All teaching and development Occurred over the time span ofsixdays, with most deltakere having little to no previousprogrammingexperience.About this app:Thank you soon download our APP. We hope you like it."Quiz The combat" is Quiz underworld new answers to SubwaySurf.Quiz The combat is easy to play but difficult to master. Thequizis filled with over 100 brain-teasing questions, which canbeenjoyed in community with others. Who can beat your highscore,clever boy? - Your mom, dad, dog or best friend?"The combat Quiz" developed by four young men onSoftwareDevelopment Camp 2013.Regards teamDevelopers:Mike BellikaMichael NguyenJacob QvistNiklas MisselShoutout: we are super grateful to UNF - SDC has given us thechanceof making this APP. "How to:Welcome to Quiz The combat. Here's a little review of thedifferenttypes of games.First, you start by pressing start, where you will see threemenus:Marathon, Sprint and multiplayer.You must press one of the three menus to play them.Marathon: In game type marathon, there will be over 100questionsthat can be answered. It is important to correctly answeras manyquestions as possible to beat his high score.Sprint: In this type of game the objective is to correctlyansweras many questions as you can in one minute. If youanswerincorrectly, you will get a minus point. If you havenegativescore, you will not get the high score list.Multiplayer: You start to start the server from one phoneandname it. Then your opponent from the other phone start Clientandenter the same name that you called the server. When headphonesareconnected, you can start the game, and here it is importanttorespond quickly and get more points than your mostaccredited.
Boxes 1.0
This app has been developed by participantsatthe 2013 Software Development Camp, arranged by UNF (DanishYouthAssociation of Science) see more at http://software.unf.dk.All teaching and development occurred over the time span ofsixdays, with most participants having little to nopreviousprogramming experience.About this app:Boxes is a game about avoiding boxes.The controls are simple. Just touch and move your fingeraroundto evade the evil boxes that attempt to destroy you, as youmakeyour way towards the ultimate highscore.Simple controls. Just move your finger up and down.Very fast paced. No pop-up dialogs to stop your hunt forthehighscore.Purchase skins with the ingame currency and customize theexperienceto your liking.-----------------------------------------------------------------------This application was developed over the course of 4 days,onUNF's 2013 Software Development Camp.The developers had little to no experience with programming.Developers:Martin SohnMathias CorlinJonas BødkeNichlas LisbyBackgrounds by subtlepatterns.com
MineField RPG 1.1
This app has been developed by participantsatthe 2012 Software Development Camp, arranged by UNF (DanishYouthAssociation of Science) see more at http://software.unf.dk.All teaching and development occurred over the time span ofsixdays, with most participants having little to nopreviousprogramming experience.About this app:Minefields Random Playfield GeneratorYou have to get through the minefield. You are the little maninthe bottum center of the screen. To get through the minefieldyoumust try to find a safe path. There will be ONE path but theremayappear sidetracks with a dead end. If you choose a path whereyoustep on a mine you will die. Furthermore, you will betransportedback to your starting position. If you get to the otherside youwin the round. You have to win the game in the least amountof timeand with fewest deaths possible to get the highestscore.
Throw the bomb 1.0
This app has been developed by participantsatthe 2012 Software Development Camp, arranged by UNF (DanishYouthAssociation of Science) see more at http://software.unf.dk.All teaching and development occurred over the time span ofsixdays, with most participants having little to nopreviousprogramming experience.About this app:Throw the bomb to each other and avoid being the one with thebombwhen it explodes.
AwesomeForbrugsApp - SDC 2011 1.0
This app has been developed by participantsatthe 2011 Software Development Camp, arranged by UNF (DanishYouthAssociation of Science) see more at http://software.unf.dk.All teaching and development occurred over the time span offourdays, with most participants having little to nopreviousprogramming experience.About this app:A tool to find out what kinds and amounts of data usage you haveonyour phone, and which subscription is best for you as acostumer.This app is only in Beta stage and, as such, you can onlywatchyour data spending as of the moment. This means that you cannottrust that it calculates the correct optimal subscription.License: Creative Commons 3.0, Jonas Pedersen, EmilGydesen,Simon Højlind, Christian Buch, Jacob Jacobsen.
Mafia GM helper 1.0
This app has been developed by participantsatthe 2013 Software Development Camp, arranged by UNF (DanishYouthAssociation of Science) see more at http://software.unf.dk.All teaching and development occurred over the time span ofsixdays, with most participants having little to nopreviousprogramming experience.About this app:Mafia is a strategic RPG where good and evil fight toeliminateeach other by hanging in the day and assassinations in thenight.Some players have special abilities which increases thecomplexityof the game. For everything to run smoothly the game hasa gamemaster to keep track of who kills, heals, investigatesetc.This app is a tool for the game master of the game Mafia.The app allows the game master to create his own roles and letshimadd any amount of players to the game without loosing track ofthegame flow. The simple layout makes it easy for the game mastertokeep track of role activity, if needed he can even add notes totheindividual player.
This app has been developed by participantsatthe 2012 Software Development Camp, arranged by UNF (DanishYouthAssociation of Science) see more at http://software.unf.dk.All teaching and development occurred over the time span ofsixdays, with most participants having little to nopreviousprogramming experience.About this app:LAPAMA is short for Location Aware Power and AudioManagementApplication. This app will allow you to make bookmarksusingGPS-coordinates. Using these bookmarks you will be able tochangeyour phones settings depending on where you are. Like settingyourphone to go on vibrate when you enter school grounds.
Location awareness 1.1
This app has been developed by participantsatthe 2012 Software Development Camp, arranged by UNF (DanishYouthAssociation of Science) see more at http://software.unf.dk.All teaching and development occurred over the time span ofsixdays, with most participants having little to nopreviousprogramming experience.About this app:Du kender situationen. Du sidder i klassen, og du har glemt atsættedin telefon på lydløs. Pludselig ringer den, og alle kiggerforargetpå dig. Eller du forlader dit hjem, men har glemt at slåWi-Fi fra,og pludselig er dit batteri helt fladt. Men hvad hvis duikkebehøvede at huske at sætte den på lydløs eller slukke forWi-Fi?Med denne app kan du automatisk få opdateret dintelefonsindstilinger, såsom lyd, Wi-Fi eller Bluetooth, baseret pådinlokation, tid eller begge dele. Du opretter bare enprofil,indstiller hvilke betingelser den skal reagere under, oghvilkeindstillinger den skal tage sig af. Så klarer den resten.Dukendersituationen. Du sidder i klassen, og du har glemt at sættedintelefon på lydløs. Pludselig ringer den, og alle kigger forargetpådig. Eller du forlader dit hjem, men har glemt at slå Wi-Fi fra,ogpludselig er dit batteri helt fladt. Men hvad hvis du ikkebehøvedeat huske at sætte den på lydløs eller slukke for Wi-Fi?Med denne app kan du automatisk få opdateret dintelefonsindstilinger, såsom lyd, Wi-Fi eller Bluetooth, baseret pådinlokation, tid eller begge dele. Du opretter bare enprofil,indstiller hvilke betingelser den skal reagere under, oghvilkeindstillinger den skal tage sig af. Så klarer den resten.
P&P Helper 1.0
This app has been developed by participantsatthe 2013 Software Development Camp, arranged by UNF (DanishYouthAssociation of Science) see more athttp://software.unf.dk.All teaching and development occurred over the time span ofsixdays, with most participants having little to nopreviousprogramming experience.About this app:P&P Helper is an app designed to organize yourcharactersheets in Dungeons and Dragons. The process of charactercreationis the same, however instead of having 10 different piecesof paperlying around, you can access it all from your tablet. Thisapp alsoincludes dices, D2, D3, D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, D20,D100.The app is designed for tablets with the size of10.1”only.Preferable resolution: 1280 x 800.**DISCLAIMER**This app is not affiliated with Dungeons and Dragons in anyway,shape, size or form. This app is simply a charactersheetorganiser.
Share list - SDC 2011 1.0
This app has been developed by participantsatthe 2011 Software Development Camp, arranged by UNF (DanishYouthAssociation of Science) see more athttp://software.unf.dk.All teaching and development occurred over the time span offourdays, with most participants having little to nopreviousprogramming experience.About this app:Share List is a shopping list that you can easily export to amailand send to family, friends or yourself.Features:- Add, delete or edit items on your shopping list- Tick the items so you can keep track of what you bought andwhatyou need to buy- Export your shopping list by email
StratoDroid 1.0
This app has been developed by participantsatthe 2013 Software Development Camp, arranged by UNF (DanishYouthAssociation of Science) see more athttp://software.unf.dk.All teaching and development occurred over the time span ofsixdays, with most participants having little to nopreviousprogramming experience.About this app:StratoDroid is a simple clone of the Stratego game,It is a two player game where you have to either eliminateyourenemy or capture their flag, it's turn based.Unfortunately, we didn't have enough time on the camp to makeitall bright and shiny, therefore you can only play with thepremadesetup of tokens.Features* Multiplayer (2-Locally).* Stratego game rule guide.* A fair setup.App made by the participants: Steffen, Clara, Louise&Niclas
Mau Mau Multiplayer 1.0.1
This app has been developed by participantsatthe 2014 Software Development Camp, arranged by UNF (DanishYouthAssociation of Science) see more athttp://software.unf.dk.All teaching and development occurred over the time span ofsixdays, with most participants having little to nopreviousprogramming experience.Now you can play Mau Mau with your friends using WiFi LAN!The objective is to get rid of all your cards first.The rules are simple:1. You can only put a card on another card of the same color/suitorvalue.So Kings go on kings and diamonds go on diamonds.2. Put down a 7 to make the next person pickup 2 cards. Someoneuseda 7 on you? No problem! Send it to the next guy by puttingdownanother 7.3. Skip the next person by putting down an 8. If that person hasan8 he can send it forwards and skip the next person instead.4. Don't have any cards to put down? Take a card from the deckandfeel the vibrations.5. Only have 2 cards left? Shake that sexy phone of yours! Ifyouforget you get 3 cards from the deck!6. Put a jack down to change the color/suit.So what are you waiting for?! Download Mau Mau today and haveajolly good time.
64 Tiles 1.0
This app has been developed by participantsatthe 2014 Software Development Camp, arranged by UNF (DanishYouthAssociation of Science) see more athttp://software.unf.dk.All teaching and development occurred over the time span ofsixdays, with most participants having little to nopreviousprogramming experience.64 Tiles is a game where you swap around tiles tomakecombinations of 3, 4 or 5 tiles in a row of the same value.Thevalue of the tiles are then condensed into the tile that causedthecombo, if it was 3 tiles, the tile gets double the value, if itwas4 the tile gets 4 times the value, and if you pull of a 5tilecombo, you get 8 times the value. Combine high value tiles togeteven higher value tiles, and beat the highscore by havingthebiggest collective value on the board at the same time!
Mafia Game Guide 1.0
This app has been developed by participantsatthe 2013 Software Development Camp, arranged by UNF (DanishYouthAssociation of Science) see more athttp://software.unf.dk.All teaching and development occurred over the time span ofsixdays, with most participants having little to nopreviousprogramming experience.About this app:To the game Werewolf comes Mafia which brings card gametoanother level. Mafia Game Guide helps the Gamemaster to keeptrackof the game, while also helping him divide roles to playersbeforethe game.For new players, we offer a startup guide to help you getplayingright away.The point of this MGG is to help the gamemaster to keep trackofthe game, players, status etc. MGG also gives the ability tonewplayers to easly join a game for the first time and playequallywith the others, by reading our excellent start guide. Proplayersget the ability to scramble roles and play a morecustomizedgame.It is our goal to help you have a better gaming experience,whileplaying Mafia.Special thanks to:Christian Nellemose Petersen - Music theme, and customimagebackground and icons.All the people from SDC.UNF - Helping, being awesome andmore...
MyBook 1.0
This app has been developed by participantsatthe 2013 Software Development Camp, arranged by UNF (DanishYouthAssociation of Science) see more athttp://software.unf.dk.All teaching and development occurred over the time span ofsixdays, with most participants having little to nopreviousprogramming experience.About this app:Do you miss your classical notebook?Then MyBook is perfect for you. MyBook is just like youroldnotebook - just better! With a digitalized notebook it ismucheasier to keep track of your notes. To get started just add anewnote! Afterwards you can easily access it from the content view.Itis also easy to delete a note you don't want anymore. Allfunctionsare accessed through the actionbar. You can swipe betweenthe pagesin your notebook so it feels like a real book!If you download this app you will never have to use anordinarynotebook again!This app is developed by Emil Lillegaard Hansen, MadsFrimannMadsen, Casper Mikkel Nymose and Gro Dyrting
Squattle 1.0
This app has been developed by participants at the 2017SoftwareDevelopment Camp, arranged by UNF (Danish Youth AssociationofScience) see more at unf.dk/software. All teaching anddevelopmentoccurred over the time span of seven days, with mostparticipantshaving little to no previous programming experience.Watch the epicone sided bullet hell that is squattle, where 4yellows squaresgang up on a blue square, by firing red squares atthe blue squarewhich can only be stopped once they hit the bluesquare or theblack edge of the square field. The player can controlthe bluesquare and attempt to survive for as long as possiblewithin theborders of the square field.
TapTap-Memory 1.0
This app has been developed by participants at the 2017SoftwareDevelopment Camp, arranged by UNF (Danish Youth AssociationofScience) see more at unf.dk/software. All teaching anddevelopmentoccurred over the time span of seven days, with mostparticipantshaving little to no previous programming experience.How good isyour memory? TapTap-Memory is the game where youremember aspecific sequence of colors shown on different coloredbuttons onthe screen. By clicking the "START"-button, the buttonswill lightup, first with just a single color, then two colors, thenthree andso on - by tapping the right sequence, the "START"-buttoncan beclicked again, a new color will be added to the sequence anditgoes on until you tap the wrong button. By tapping on therightbuttons, you will gain points that give you access to newandharder levels in the shop. Happy Tapping!